Bedale Church Of England Primary School

Learning and Caring Together

Firby Road, Bedale, North Yorkshire, DL8 2AT

01677 422 401


Bedale is a Church of England Primary School and as such we provide daily Collective Worship, which takes into account the ages and aptitudes of our pupils.

Collective Worship provides an opportunity for the children to explore, reflect upon and respond to the Christian faith, moral issues and their own beliefs. Children are invited to participate and are encouraged whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening and joining in the worship offered. Collective Worship provides opportunities to develop community spirit and promote a strong ethos of the school's Christian values. 

The cycle and colours of the Church year is observed and services are regularly held in the Church for major festivals. Children are encouraged to lead worship both in school and in the church.

Collective Worship is planned around the school's three values and Picture News. The school's close relationship with St Gregory's Church means that the vicar leads worship on occasions in school. The Minister from the local Methodist Church also leads collective worship regularly.

We have a school worship team (staff and children) who all contribute to collective worship. As well as the head teacher, all teachers lead worship and we enjoy having visitors to occasionally lead worship as well.

In support of our values, prayer is a key part of our worship; all children know the Lord's Prayer. We also have a school prayer which encourages reflection. Bible stories are planned as an integral part of collective worship to support our school values.


Our planned structure for Worship

Monday -  KS1 - 9.05 am and KS2 - 9.30 am led by Mrs Turnbull introducing the week's theme
Tuesday - 3.00 pm - House worship 
Wednesday - 3.05 pm - Whole school singing
Thursday - KS1 - 9.05 am and KS2 - 9.30am led by the clergy
Friday - KS1 - 1.30 pm and KS2 - 3.10 pm - Celebration worship led by pupils as leaders